What is FileCoAuth.exe?

FileCoAuth.exe is part of Microsoft OneDrive and developed by Microsoft Corporation according to the FileCoAuth.exe version information.

FileCoAuth.exe's description is "Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable"

FileCoAuth.exe is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation.

FileCoAuth.exe is usually located in the 'c:\users\%USERNAME%\appdata\local\microsoft\onedrive\18.111.0603.0006\' folder.

None of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal reports anything malicious about FileCoAuth.exe.

If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.

Vendor and version information [?]

The following is the available information on FileCoAuth.exe:

Product nameMicrosoft OneDrive
Company nameMicrosoft Corporation
File descriptionMicrosoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable
Internal nameMicrosoft OneDrive
Original filenameFileCoAuth.exe
Legal copyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product version18.111.0603.0006
File version18.111.0603.0006
Special buildb/build/3c96dfcf-595a-37d7-a6c1-720669e84dc2

Here's a screenshot of the file properties when displayed by Windows Explorer:

Product nameMicrosoft OneDrive
Company nameMicrosoft Corporation
File descriptionMicrosoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring ..
Internal nameMicrosoft OneDrive
Original filenameFileCoAuth.exe
Legal copyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights..
Product version18.111.0603.0006
File version18.111.0603.0006
Special buildb/build/3c96dfcf-595a-37d7-a6c1-7206..

Digital signatures [?]

FileCoAuth.exe has a valid digital signature.

Signer nameMicrosoft Corporation
Certificate issuer nameMicrosoft Code Signing PCA
Certificate serial number33000001797c2e574e52e1cad6000100000179

VirusTotal report

None of the 68 anti-virus programs at VirusTotal detected the FileCoAuth.exe file.

None of the 68 anti-virus programs detected the FileCoAuth.exe file.

Hashes [?]


Error Messages

These are some of the error messages that can appear related to filecoauth.exe:

filecoauth.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

filecoauth.exe - Application Error. The instruction at "0xXXXXXXXX" referenced memory at "0xXXXXXXXX". The memory could not be "read/written". Click on OK to terminate the program.

Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable has stopped working.

End Program - filecoauth.exe. This program is not responding.

filecoauth.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

filecoauth.exe - Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). Click OK to terminate the application.

What will you do with FileCoAuth.exe?

To help other users, please let us know what you will do with FileCoAuth.exe:

What did other users do?

The poll result listed below shows what users chose to do with FileCoAuth.exe. 81% have voted for removal. Based on votes from 32 users.

User vote results: There were 26 votes to remove and 6 votes to keep

NOTE: Please do not use this poll as the only source of input to determine what you will do with FileCoAuth.exe.

Malware or legitimate?

If you feel that you need more information to determine if your should keep this file or remove it, please read this guide.

Please select the option that best describe your thoughts on the information provided on this web page

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And now some shameless self promotion ;)

A screenshot of FreeFixer's scan result.Hi, my name is Roger Karlsson. I've been running this website since 2006. I want to let you know about the FreeFixer program. FreeFixer is a freeware tool that analyzes your system and let you manually identify unwanted programs. Once you've identified some malware files, FreeFixer is pretty good at removing them. You can download FreeFixer here. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/2016/2019/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.

If you have questions, feedback on FreeFixer or the freefixer.com website, need help analyzing FreeFixer's scan result or just want to say hello, please contact me. You can find my email address at the contact page.


Please share with the other users what you think about this file. What does this file do? Is it legitimate or something that your computer is better without? Do you know how it was installed on your system? Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Thank you for your contributions.

I'm reading all new comments so don't hesitate to post a question about the file. If I don't have the answer perhaps another user can help you.

Loading... writes

0 thumbs

"FileCoAuth.exe Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable" (Task Manager process name) is linked to another common problem that bugs many people.
Many have reported this to Microsoft and MS just ignore the people complaining and the problem in general.

The %temp% directory is being spammed with 0kb "Aria Debug" Text Files with regular intervals. It may also be creating 0kb "Mat Debug" Text Files in the other temp directory.

(For those that don't know yet... To find temp directory, press the Win Key + r, then type temp or %temp% if you want the %temp% directory)

This "Aria" problem is linked to OneDrive and probably MS Office, even if you have switched off OneDrive and/or blocked OneDrive etc. It still creates these 0kb temp files. I have tried leaving MS Office running as a background process, also tried killing it in the Task Manager immediately after boot up, it makes no difference. It does not even matter if you use MS Office or not while using your PC, it spams the temp regardless.

You wont see "Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable", ( FileCoAuth.exe ), in the Task Manager unless it just created another 0kb bug file, it will only then appear for a few seconds in the Task Manager. You don't have much time to click on it so be ready in waiting.

To catch it in action / to inspect it:
Open the temp Dir and Task Manager. Predict the next Aria file creation time based on the time stamp minutes. Watch the Task manager at those time intervals(it may appear some 30 seconds into the minute. Be ready with your mouse, FileCoAuth will appear very briefly between these Task Manager processes:

Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service
> Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable < (FileCoAuth.exe)
Microsoft Text Input Application

There may be two solutions.
1.MS "Office" settings (my next point of investigation as I have never used Office).
2.msconfig settings to block it starting at PC boot up.
It is still an ongoing problem that I recently gained ground on by finding this illusive "Microsoft OneDriveFile Co-Authoring Executable" TM process. I hope this recently gained knowledge saves people some stress trying to figure out the 0kb Aria bug file spam issue. MS certainly don't give a damn.

Mini rant... sorry, my axe grinds with these scam corporations that sell us overpriced old rope as new... grrrr...
Windows comes with its own bloatware/malware just like Apple Mac products do, may as well just call it a virus rather than an OS. Win 10 still has old tiny Win 95 operating system windows that cant be resized on modern larger screens !!! What do they do all day at the office rather than working for a living ?

We seriously need a better quality OS that is 100% independent from these two scam corporations. I'm not sold on Linux yet but it looks like it is the only viable option at this time (Linux also falls short).

Makes you wonder what a modern day PC is really capable of. We will never know the way we are conned by the $cam Upgrade Update system. In comparison, look at how the Commodore 64 progressed from day one to its end of line date. That was progress. What we have today is 100% BS. Computers have become a huge rip off in modern times. Cant have anything nice for long on this planet =:¬(

# 15 Mar 2021, 21:19

Over-it writes

0 thumbs

MS user since 1986. Some apple experience along the way. 100% concur with the views expressed about bogus upgrades/updates/system software providers.. Nothing much has really improved in last 10 years. "if it aint broke, dont fix it". Change for the sake of it is NOT true progress.

# 4 Jul 2022, 17:44

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