Faster Light Adware Removal Instructions

Hello there. Today I wanted to talk about an adware named FasterLight and give you some removal instructions. This seems to be a variant of BrowseFox/AltBrowse that I’ve previously blogged about. If FasterLight is installed on your machine, you will find a new add-on installed into Firefox and Internet Explorer. I’ll show how to remove Faster Light in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Faster Light 1.0.1 firefox

When I run into some new software I always upload it to VirusTotal to see if the antivirus scanners there find something. The detection rate is 11/55. AVG detects FasterLight as BrowseFox.F, Malwarebytes detects it as PUP.Optional.FasterLight.A and NANO-Antivirus reports Trojan.Win32.BPlug.dfohwl.

FasterLight virustotal

So, how about the removal? All you need to do to remove Faster Light is to check the FasterLight files in the scan result and click the Fix button. A reboot of your computer may be required to complete the removal. Here’s a few screen captures from the removal that should help you:

FasterLight remove Internet Explorer FasterLight remove firefox

Hope that helped you with the removal.

Any idea how FasterLight was installed on your computer? Please share in the comments below. Thank you very much!

Thanks for reading!