Software Updater LLC – VirusTotal and Bundling Report

Found a download a few days ago called JDownloader which was digitally signed by Software Updater LLC.

software updater llc publisher

What caught my attention was the VirusTotal scan report where 12 of the anti-virus programs detected the Software Updater LLC file:

software updater llc virustotal

Some of the detection names are BundleApp_r, Trojan.Generic, CryptVittalia, and Adware.Win32.Vittalia.

By looking at the certificate information, it appears that Software Updater LLC is located in Delaware in the United States.

software updater llc certificate

Since the download was detected by some of the anti-virus programs I got curious to see what the Software Updater LLC file installed: Webssearches, SaveClicker, “Help fight Cancer”, VuuPC, PriceMeter, PlusHD and “Acelar el PC” are the programs I could see  bundled with the Software Updater LLC download.

software updater llc websearches saveclicker help fight cancer software updater llc vuupc software updater llc pricemeter software updater llc plushd software updater llc passwidget software updater llc acelerar el pc

Have you also found a download signed by Software Updater LLC? What kind of download was it and where did you find it?

3 thoughts on “Software Updater LLC – VirusTotal and Bundling Report

  1. i have downloaded JDownloader a while ago, (Software Updater LLC – still have the file)
    did not see any problem…
    installed only the JDownloader and nothing else.

    though i don’t remember if it offered me anything on the way, may be it did (i usually by default not agree to all offers without even reading them).

    but i have and use the download manager, without any issues….

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