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Remove wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com Pop-Up Ads

Getting lots of pop-up ads from wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com? If you have been following my posts here on the blog for the last week you know that I’ve been documenting the domain names that appears in pop-ups launched by adware installed on user machines.

wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com pop-up bouffebasculetimeous.com pop up ad in firefox

Adware, that is probably why you are getting these wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com pop-ups. I removed the wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com ads by using the freeware tool FreeFixer to uninstalling two adwares that was installed on my machine. The first was called TinyWallet and the other was named BlockAndSurf.

I think that other variants of adware can launch these pop-ups. Please keep that in mind while examining your computer for the unwanted software.

If you had to remove something else than BlockAndSurf or TinyWallet, please post a comment below to help other users in the same situation.

I also tried to get some more information about the bouffebasculetimeous.com domain using a WHOIS lookup, but the domain is protected by the WHOISGUARD company 🙁 wwu.bouffebasculetimeous.com resolves to the and IP address.


Did this help you solve the bouffebasculetimeous.com problem?

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