websearch.flyandsearch.info Removal Instructions

Did you just launch your web browser and noticed your start page had been changed to websearch.flyandsearch.info? No problem, I’ll show how to remove the websearch.flyandsearch.info start page and search provider from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox in this blog post. Here’s how flyandsearch.info appears in Firefox:

websearch.flyandsearch.info in firefox

The removal is easy with FreeFixer, just select the websearch.flyandsearch.info items listed in the FreeFixer scan result, as shown in the screenshots below, and then click the Fix button. Problem solved.

websearch.flyandsearch.info websearch.flyandsearch.info ie settings websearch.flyandsearch.info ie search provider

How did you get websearch.flyandsearch.info on your computer? I found it in a download that claimed to be an episode of a famous TV-series.

1 thought on “websearch.flyandsearch.info Removal Instructions

  1. Hi, i am trying to fix that problem but failed many times.
    My OS is Windows 7 64-bit

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