eGdpSvc.exe – How To Uninstall

Back in July I was first notified about the eGdpSvc.exe file. At that time, only one of the 45 engines at VirusTotal detected the file and I didn’t know how it was distributed or how it ended up and the users’ machines.

Today, I noticed that eGdpSvc.exe is still distributed so I thought I’d make a quick uninstall guide that shows how to delete eGdpSvc.exe with the help of FreeFixer. This video also shows that the “more info” links in FreeFixer can be quite useful to determine if a file is legitimate or malware.

The more info links in FreeFixer

When looking at the “more info” page of eGdpSvc.exe in the video you’ll see that eGdpSvc.exe is currently detected by 14 of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal.

Do you click on the more info links while trying to determine if a files is legitimate or malware?